• Do you often feel confused?
  • Are you experiencing breathing problems?
  • Do you often experience emotions such as anxiety and fear?
  • Do you often lose your consciousness and fall?
  • Do you experience sudden, uncontrollable jerks in your arms and legs?

If you nodded a yes to the above questions, then it is a possibility that you might be having seizures. A seizure is an abnormal electrical activity in the brain that happens suddenly and can go unnoticed. Having a seizure can be a very fatal experience.

But don’t worry! It is possible to manage seizures! If you experience seizures, it is advisable to immediately get a seizure treatment. You can get effective as well as affordable treatment by visiting a neurosurgeon in Mumbai.

One can also manage seizures by implementing simple techniques. This article states the 8 effective ways of managing seizures.

  What are the 8 effective ways of managing seizures?  
We suggest the following 8 ways to manage seizures-

1 . Take medicines properly: 

Do not avoid medicines if you wish to avoid seizures. Taking the medications given for seizure treatment is very important. Not taking medicines on time and skipping them can lead to seizures. The task of taking medicines on time should always have a tick mark on your daily to-do list!

2. Avoid antidepressants: 

Antidepressants, narcotics, etc. can lead to seizures especially in people having epilepsy. So, it is advisable to avoid such medications, and even if you take them, first consult with your neurosurgeon and keep him informed about your epilepsy.

3. Avoid triggers: 

Sometimes, avoiding is better than confronting! Sometimes, avoidance and not confrontation is the best solution to a problem. This especially holds true in the case of seizures. Certain triggers lead to seizures. So, it is advisable to identify and avoid such triggers to manage seizures! Confronting such triggers can aggravate the seizures. 

So, here avoiding them is the ideal solution! For some, bright lights can trigger seizures. So, it is recommended to avoid bright lights in such cases!

4. Eat right: 

Food plays a major role in our overall health and well-being. So, it is important to keep a check on what you eat! Eating healthy and including fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein-rich foods in your diet can help manage and control seizures. Following a ketogenic diet- a diet that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates can help manage seizures.

5. Get proper sleep: 

If work is important, then getting proper rest is also equally important. And that’s why it is always said that one should at least get 7-8 hours of sleep every day! A proper sleep recharges us for the next day! To have a good and enthusiastic day, a good night is a must! 

To have a good morning, having a good night is a must! Proper sleep is a must! Proper sleep not only makes one enthusiastic the next day, but it also helps avoid seizures. Yes, lack of sleep is one of the common causes of seizures! But one can manage seizures by getting proper sleep.

6. Avoid excess alcohol: 

Drinking excess alcohol can make one more prone to get seizures. “Drinking is injurious to health” should be strictly followed by everyone!

7. Avoid stress: 

Excess stress leads to the release of stress mediators like neuropeptides throughout the brain. This leads to seizures. Thus, increased stress can increase the chances of experiencing seizures. 

So, to manage seizures, managing stress is crucial. But how can one manage stress? One can manage stress by doing yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques. Goodbye to stress is like saying goodbye to seizures!

8. Exercise: 

Regular exercise is an effective way of managing seizures. Exercise leads to the release of beta-endorphins that help reduce seizures! So, it is very important to include exercise in your daily routine to avoid seizures and to remain healthy!


Are you experiencing seizures?

Don’t panic! You can manage seizures by following the techniques mentioned above. Regular exercising, managing stress, eating right, avoiding triggers, etc. are some of the ways through which you can manage seizures.

Even after implementing the techniques of managing seizures, are you still experiencing seizures?

Then it is advisable to get a seizure treatment in Mumbai! Book an appointment with a neurologist in Mumbai right now! You are just a visit away from your solution!