A neurosurgeon is a doctor who specializes in brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and muscles diseases. Other examples include:

  • Headaches
  • Epilepsy
  • Stroke,
  • Movement disorders like tremor or Parkinson’s disease,
  • And several other neurological disorders.

Always consult your first physician for the best treatment. If they cannot treat your signs adequately, they may refer you to a neurosurgeon in Mumbai. It’s essential to understand what neurosurgeons perform and what signs they treat.

When should you consider visiting a neurosurgeon?


We have all had headaches at some point in our lives. Various conditions can cause it. The migraines range from a sinus infection to a painful toothache following a dental visit.

Your physician may recommend you consult a neurologist if your headache signs become severe enough.


Chronic pain

Chronic pain is pain that remains for several months or years. An illness or an injury can cause this pain. Yet, it can signify something else if it stays more than the average recovery time.

Suppose your physician cannot aid you in controlling your pain. In that case, you may want to visit a neurosurgeon. Particularly if you are experiencing other symptoms like:

  • Weakness
  • Bowel or bladder control issues
  • Numbness

Feeling dizzy

Dizziness comes in different forms.  Neurosurgeons treat dizziness, which is a sign of disequilibrium or vertigo. Vertigo gives you a feeling like you, or the environment is revolving; disequilibrium is challenging to keep your balance.

Your physician can assist you. Your physician will check whether your dizziness is extreme enough to warrant a visit to a neurologist.


Tingling or numbness

Tingling or numbness can occur for various reasons. It includes sitting in a position that restricts blood flow or not eating. You should consult a neurologist :

  • If the numbness persists
  • Suddenly comes on
  • It only affects one body’s side.

You should seek medical help if you have tingling or numbness signs like those mentioned, as it can also be a stroke sign. Your physician can assist you in evaluating these symptoms. But, if you believe you are having a stroke, seek medical attention immediately.


Feeling weak

Feeling weak that needs medical attention is distinct from muscle aches after hiking or excessive weight lifting. You should see your doctor if:
  1. You have muscle weakness that affects your daily activities
  2. An instant fall in muscle strength, particularly in your legs and arms
A more serious nervous system condition can cause a stroke.

Problems with movement

Following are signs of a nervous system problem:

  • Difficulty walking
  • Clumsiness
  • Unintentional jerks
  • Tremors

A tremor can be a by-product of anxiety or medication. If such movement issues interfere with your daily life, you should see a neurosurgeon. A tremor can be a side effect of medication or anxiety. Still, if your tremors are interfering with your routine activities, you should consult a neurosurgeon.


Seizures can range from almost undetectable to life-threatening. Strokes can cause anything from staring to consciousness loss and arm’s and leg’s jerking movements. It also includes breathing difficulties, confusion, and consciousness loss.

Low blood sugar or withdrawal from addictive substances may cause some seizures. But, you should see your doctor if they happen suddenly or for no plain reason. Your physician can help you find the severity of your stroke and whether you need to consult a neurologist.


Issues with vision

The nervous system or aging or can both contribute to vision problems. If the problem appears suddenly and in both eyes, you should have your vision checked. An eye doctor or your physician can help you decide whether you need to consult a neurosurgeon for your vision issue.

Confusion or memory issues

Dysfunctions or issues in the brain, nerves, or spine can cause the following problems:

  • Speech problems
  • Severe memory problems
  • Personality changes
  • Confusion

Some symptoms can be the result of learning disabilities or a disease like Alzheimer’s.

Your physician can assist you in evaluating your signs and determining whether you need to consult a neurosurgeon.

Sleep issues

There are many plain causes of sleep problems, like staying up too late. Yet, sleep disorders like anxiety, sleep apnea or nightmares, or others, are neurological disorders. Narcolepsy, for example, is a chronic genetic condition without any known cause that affects the central nervous system of the body.

Something other than a neurological condition can cause several of these signs and symptoms. Your physician is your best resource for determining whether you should consult a neurologist. If your symptoms are severe or you are unsure about your primary care doctor’s suggestions, you should consult a neurologist.